Chrismas Carols Lyrics @ All Carols .com

Browse Carols:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

As On The Night Before This Happy Morn

1. As on the night before this happy Morn,
A blessed Angel unto Shepherds told,
Where in a stable He was poorly born,
Whom nor the earth nor Heav'n of Heav'ns can hold.
Thro' Bethl'em rung this News at their return;
Yea, Angels sung that God with us was born;
And they made mirth because we should not mourn,
And they made mirth because we should not mourn.
Their Angel carols sing we then;
To God on High all Glory be,
For Peace on earth bestoweth He,
And sheweth favour unto men.

2. This favour Christ vouchsafed for our sake;
To buy us Thrones, He in a Manger lay;
Our weakness took, that we His Strength might take,
And was disrobed, that He might us array;
Our flesh He wore, our sins to wear away;
Our curse He bore, that we escape it may:
And wept for us that we might sing for aye.
And wept for us that we might sing for aye.
With Angels, therefore, sing again;
To God on High all Glory be,
For Peace on earth bestoweth He,
And sheweth favour unto men.

Browse Carols:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Chrismas Carols Lyrics @ All Carols .com