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Browse Carols: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # Of Sayne Steuen Goddes Knyght To saynt Steuen wyll we pray To pray for vs both nyght and day Of sayne Steuen goddes knyght That preched ye fayth day and nyght He tolde the Jewes as it was ryght That Chryst was borne of a may. The Jewes sayd in grete scorne That Christ was not of a mayde borne That sayd Steuen ye are but lorne And all that beleue in your lay. Now is spronge the welle of lyfe Of Mary moder mayde and wyfe Therfore the Jewes fell at stryfe And with steuen than dysputed they. A.iii. The wycked Jewes at the last Stones at Steuen they gan cast His hed and armes they all to brast And made his body in foule aray. Steuen that was full mylde of mode Thought he were all reed in blode In his prayers styll he stode And cryeng to good thus he dyde say Lorde god for thy myghtfull grace Forgyue the Jewes theyr trespace And gyue theym grace to se thy face In the Joye that lasteth aye. To heuen he loketh soone on hye To the father and sone truly And to the holy goost he gan cry Receyue my soule I the pray. God receyued his boone anone Downe came aungeles many one They toke his soule and to heuen dyd gone To blyssednesse that lasteth ay. To that blysse that is so goode Jheiu that dyed vpon the roode Graunt vs for his precyous bloode Our saluacyon at domes day. Browse Carols: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # |
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