Chrismas Carols Lyrics @ All Carols .com

Browse Carols:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Gabriel From Heaven King

1. Gabriel, from Heaven-King
Sent to the Maide sweete,
Brout hir blisful tidings
And fiar he gan he greete:
'Heil be thu, gull of grace aright!
For Godes Son, this Heven-Light
For mannes love
Will man bicome
And take Fles of thee,
Maide Bright,
Manken free for to make
Of sen and devles might.

2. Mildelich him gan andswere
The milde Maid thanne:
'Wichewise sold ich bere
A child withute manne?'
Th'angel hir seid: 'Ne dred tee nout;
Thurw th'Oligast sal bewen iwrout
This ilche thing
Warof tiding
Ich bringe;
Al manken wurth ibout
Thurw thing sweet childinge
And Ut of pine ibrout.'

3. Wan the Maiden understood
And th'angels wordes herde,
Mildelich, with milde mood,
To th'angel hie andswerde:"'
'Ure Lords thewe maid iwis
Ich am, that heer aboven is;
Anentis me
Fulfurthed be
Thi sawe
That ich, sith his wil is,
A maid, withute lawe,
Of moder have the blis.'

4. Th'angel went awei mid than
Al ut of hire sighte;
Hire womb arise gan
Thurw th'Oligastes mighte.
In hir wes Crist bilok anon,
Sooth God, sooth man in fles and bon,
And of hir fles
Ibore wes
At time,
Warthurw us kam good won;
He bout us ut of pine,
And let him for us slon.

5. Maiden-Moder makeles,
Of milce ful ibunde,
Bid for us him that tee ches,
At wam thu grace funde,
That he forgive us sen and wrake,
And clene of evri gelt us make,
And heven-blis,
Wan ur time is
To sterve,
Us give, for thine sake,
Him so here for to sere
That heus to him take.

Browse Carols:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Chrismas Carols Lyrics @ All Carols .com