Chrismas Carols Lyrics @ All Carols .com

Browse Carols:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

In The Midst Of The Doctors

1. In the midst of the Doctors
Amazed at His lore,
The Holy Child sitteth,
Whom angels adore,
God's Wisdom eternal.
With a grace most attractive,
Their teaching He hears,
He asketh them questions,
Who orders the sphere
With knowledge supernal.

2. And His sorrowing parents
In wonder behold
Their Jesus conversing
With learning untold,
Deep mysteries revealing.
Then His Mother most gently
Her Child doth upbraid,
And says how His absence
Has made her afraid, --
And chides Him thus dealing.

3. With His Eyes full of sweetness,
That brought back her joy,
He tells her that only
His Father's employ
Must be His high mission.
But to her His subjection
He lovingly yields
To dwell in the workshop
By Nazareth's fields,
In lowly condition.

4. There His wisdom and stature
Increase year by year, --
To God and to mortals
He groweth most dear --
In favour progressing.
Now to all, who with Mary
Hide this in their heart,
May Jesus our Saviour
Vouchsafe to impart
Epiphany blessing.

Browse Carols:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Chrismas Carols Lyrics @ All Carols .com