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Browse Carols: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # Saint Stephen Was An Holy Man 1. Saint Stephen was an holy man, Endued with heavenly might, And many wonders did he work Before the people's sight. And by the blessed Spirit of God, Which did his heart inflame, He spared not in every place To preach Christ Jesus' name. [Chorus] O man, do never faint nor fear When God the truth shall try, But mark how Stephen for Christ's sake Was willing for to die. 2. Which doctrine seem'd most wond'rous strange Among the faithless Jews, And for the same despitefully Good Stephen they accused. Before the elders was he brought, His answer for to make, But they could not his spirit withstand Whereby this man did speak. [Chorus] 3. And then false witness did appear, And look'd him in the face, And said he spake blasphemous words Against that holy place; And how he said that Jesus Christ The Temple would destroy, And change the laws which they so long From Moses did enjoy. [Chorus] 4. Whilst this was told, the multitude Beholding him aright, His comely face began to shine Most like an Angel bright. The High Priest then to them did say, And bid them tell at large, If this was true which at that time They laid unto his charge. [Chorus] 5. Then Stephen did put forth his voice, And he did first unfold The wond'rous works that God hath wrought Even from their fathers old; That they thereby might plain perceive Christ Jesus should be he That from the burthen of the law Should save us frank and free. [Chorus] 6. But, oh! quoth he, you wicked men, Which of the prophets all Did not your fathers persecute, And keep in woeful thrall, Who told the coming of the just In prophecies most plain, Who here amongst you was betray'd And most unjustly slain? [Chorus] 7. But when they heard him so to say, Their hearts in sunder clave, And gnashing on them with their teeth, Like mad men they did rave. And with a should most loud and shrill Upon him all they ran, And then without the city gates They ston'd this holy man. [Chorus] 8. Then he most meekly on his knees To God did pray at large Desiring that He would not lay This sin unto their charge; Then yielding up his soul to God, Who had it dearly bought, He lost his life, whose body then To grave was seemly brought. [Chorus] Browse Carols: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # |
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