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Browse Carols: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # Sweet Jhesus Is Cum To Us Sweet Jhesus is cum to us This good gym of Crystmas; Wherfor with prays syng we always, Welcum owr Messyas. Hey, now, now, now. The God almyghy and kyng of lyght, Whose powr is over all, Gyve us of grace forto purchas Hys realme celestyal. Hey, now, now, now. Whe hys aungells and archangels Do syng incessantly, Hys princypates and potestates Maketh gret armony. Hey, now, now, now. The cherubyns and seraphyns, With ther tunykes mery, The trones al most musycall, Syng the hevenly kery. Hey, now, now, now. The vertues clere ther tunes bere, Ther quere for to repayre; Whose song to hold was manyfold Of Domynacyons fayer. Hey, now, now, now. With on acord serve we that Lord With laudes and orayson, The wych hayth sent, by good assent, To us hys onely sone. Hey, now, now, now. Borne ful porly, redy to dey, For to redeme us all, In the jury, of mayd Mary, In a poore oxes stall. Hey, now, now, now. He taught the sawes of crysten lawes To hys apostels twelve; In flome Jordan, of good saynt Johan, He was crystned hym selve. Hey, now, now, now. Hym selfe ded preche, and the folke tech The commaundments tene. He went barfote, that swete herte rote, Example to all mene. Hey, now, now, now. The lame and blynd, men owt of mynd, And the demonyacle, The deef and dombe, men layd in tombe, Wher hol by hys myracle. Hey, now, now, now. The Jewes truly had grete envy To se hys myght expresse; Thei ded conspyre by grete desyre To deth hym for to dresse. Hey, now, now, now. But by hys myght, thei had no syght To know hys corpolence; Tyll unwysse bold Judas hym sold For thyrty golden pence. Hey, now, now, now. Than thei hym tost, and at a post Thei bownd hym lyk a thefe; Thei ded hym bete with scorges grete, To put hym to reprefe Hey, now, now, now. Nakyd and bare, hys flesch thei tare, And with a crowne of thorne Thei ded hym crowne, the blod rane downe, And gane hym arede in scorn. Hey, now, now, now. With mokkes and mowes, buffetes and blowes, And other cursed thewes, Thei gan to cry dyspytously, Al hayle the kyng of Jewes! Hey, now, now, now. With dredfull othes, the wych hym lothes, Thei cryd, Crucifige! To Calvary thei gane hym hy, The crosse hym self bar he. Hey, now, now, now. They hym naylyd, and yl flaylyd, Alas, that innocent! Lunges, blynd knyght, with al hys myght, With a spere hys hart rent. Hey, now, now, now. Watur and blod fro hys hart yode, And yet that blyssyd sone Prayd for thosse that ware hys fosse, To get for them pardone. Hey, now, now, now. Lo, what kyndnesse in owr dystresse That Lord ded schow us than, The deth to take, al for owr sake, And bryng us fro Sathan. Hey, now, now, now. Owr savyour, our creatur, On the crosse deyed ther; Of newe tournment we do hym rent, Whan we hys membres swer. Hey, now, now, now. Then let us pray, both night and day, To hym per omnia, That we may cume to hys kyndome In finis secula. Hey, now, now, now. Browse Carols: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # |
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