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Browse Carols: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # The Kiges Baner On Felde Is Playd Now synge we we were wont Uexilla regis prodeunt. The kiges baner on felde is playd The cross and? mistry can not be nayd To whom our sauyour was betrayd And for our sake Thus sayth he, I suffre for the My deth I take Now synge we etc Behold my shankes behold my knees Beholde my hed, armes and thees Beholde of me nothyng thou sees But soro we and pyne Thus was I spyit, man for thy gylte And not for myne. Now synge we etc Behold my body how Jewes it donge W knots of whipcord and scourges strong As stremes of a well ye blode out sprong On euery syde The knottes were knyt Ryght well made with wyt They made woundes wyde Now synge we etc Man yu shalt now vnderstand Of my head, bothe fote and hand Are four .C. and fyue thousand Woundes, and syxty Fyfty and .vii. were tolde full euen Upon my body Now synge we etc Syth I for loue bought the so dere As thou may se thy seif here I pray the with a ryght good chere Loue me agayne That it lykes me To suffre for the Now all this payne Now synge we etc Man vnderstand now thou shall Insted of drynke they gaue me gall And eysell mengled ther withall The iewes fell These paynes on me, I suffred for the To bryng the fro hell Now synge we etc Now for thy lyfe thou hast mysled Mercy to aske be thou not adred The left drop of blode that I for ye bled Myght clense the soone Of all the syn The worlde within If thou haddest doone Now synge we etc I was more wrother with Judas For he wold no mercy aske Than I was for his trespas Whan he me solde I was euer redy To graunt hym mercy But he none wolde Now synge we etc Lo how I hold my armes abrode The to receyue redy I sprede For the great loue that I to the had Well may thou knowe Some loue agayne I wolde full sayne Thou woldest to me shewe Now synge we etc For loue I aske nothyng of the But stand fast in faythe, and syn thou fle And payne to lyue in honeste Bothe nyght and day And thou shalt haue blys That neuer shall mys Withouten nay. Now synge we etc Now Jesu for thy great goodnes That for man suffred great hardnes Saue vs fro the denyls cruelnes And to blys vs send And graunt vs grace, to se thy face Withouten ende. Now etc Browse Carols: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z # |
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